Winter Holidays

‘Tis the season…

It’s been a crazy, busy month and quite awhile since I’ve posted here on SvelteHealthy. From traveling to China, being in Florida until my lease started and moving into my new NYC apartment this past week I have seriously neglected you guys!

The amount of food surrounding me this past month was alarming. Thanksgiving food induced comas (yes, plural), deep-fried Hanukkah foods, eating poorly while moving into a new apartment and soon enough the upcoming Jewish “tradition” of Chinese food on Christmas.

‘Tis the season…to get fat?

‘Tis the season for a lot of things. Resolutions. Funny how New Years comes just at the right time. Ya know, all those resolutions we promise to make and achieve in the upcoming year that really never happen. Lose 10 pounds, gain more muscle, drink less, eat more protein, stop smoking, eat less carbs, less caffeine, more cardio, less snacking. We put so much pressure on ourselves. January 1st rolls around and all of a sudden we’re running around like maniacs stocking up on vegetables and signing up for gym memberships. Our diet instantly begins to consist of celery and chicken breast as we swear off those seasonal going-to-make-you-fat Starbucks drinks. Doesn’t this just set us up for failure? Doesn’t the saying go “you always want what you cant have ? ” All those resolutions do is just create more noise. And in this case, more food noise. How exhausting!

A new year turns the page to a new beginning and I can see why people romanticize the idea of having a New Year’s resolution. Which is why I challenge you this year to rebel with me and simply make no resolutions.What’s the point? If you want to achieve something you shouldn’t need a starting day. Food or not food related, everyday is a starting day. What are you waiting for?

Menorah & Christmas Tree on Wall Street

Menorah & Christmas Tree on Wall Street

Happy Holidays!

**Gym Playlists page was updated today**


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